Sunday 14 January 2018

I Won’t Dump A Man Because He Doesn’t Last In Bed – Praise Sam

Actress Praise Sam, has gotten many talking following a recent interview she granted to Potpurri.
According to the actress, she won’t end a relationship because the man doesn’t last in bed.
In her words;

Relationship is not all about sex and activities on the bed, there are times when you will be so bothered about other things of life that it would even be the last thing on your mind.

Sex is nothing now! There are so many ways to work on that; I can’t leave a man I love because he doesn’t last in bed. For the fact that I love him we will work on it; the world has gone past that.

It’s just like asking a man to leave a woman because she cannot cook; what happened to teaching her, or getting a private cook to coach her indoors? Love is a beautiful thing, little things like this got nothing on them.
Sam continued saying she willl however not think twice about a man bad in bed, who is also proud.
It’s no lie, I have been in such a relationship before and I helped my man; I can never leave a man for such reason, except he has got pride and refuses to be helped, then I’ll leave him to his fate, those kind of men do not understand how to love a woman.


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