Wednesday, 14 March 2018

My friend's dog ate a pot brownie yesterday

My buddy’s dog ate a potent weed cookie we cooked up, we didn’t even notice until later in the day the dog became extremely lethargic, we were wondering what was wrong and we were checking him out, and smelt his breath and we could smell it, we go into our living room and see the plastic bag it was being held in chewed up on the floor, we rush him to the vet, the vet tells us he will be fine in about 24 hours, didn’t charge us for anything because the vet found it kind of funny, the next 24 hours we watched the dog forget how to use it’s back legs, watched it stare at the wall for 10+ minutes at a time, his bark changed from a bark to a Bork, and I swear to god he laughed at one point, anyway 24 hours later the dog was perfectly fine and is still living a happy little pupper life !
I_never_say_LOL added this which is important!
*My wife is a vet, please do not read this and think it's always ok to let the dog sleep it off cause you read one time in the internet some one took their dog to the vet and they said to just go home.
There are times when it will be ok and times when it will not be ok. Go to the vet and make sure. Marijuana toxicity is a real thing in dogs and not worth losing your best friend over*

I cant stop laughing.....
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